Our clients love this SEO visual guide. We think you will too! SEO guides are abundant and ever-changing. Some are useful while others tend to create more confusion than help. With our clients, we’ve created a simple SEO visual guide to help them in Web site development and management. The guide offers a unique perspective to working with your Website as a “Landing Zone” for those jumping into Google (or other search engines) to search for your products or services. At the 10,000 foot view, you have the basics: Do your keyword research Creating a sitemap.xml for your site Submit
More Marketing News →Boy, did I miss the days of frequent public speaking. At one time, I had as many as 2 speaking engagements booked for each month of the year (2005, 2006, 2007). While I was starting up SPOKE Communications (previously CreateWOWMarketing), it was a great way to hone my marketing and branding processes through “Live Engagement and Research” and build a resource for client development for the business. Of course, it’s a true testament of the love I have for what we do at SPOKE when I get to stand in front of a group to share marketing communication tips, tricks
More Marketing News →What’s the difference between your brand and that of, let’s say, Coke? Size? Sure, but you don’t think Coke has always been a billion dollar a year company do you? What else? Budget? Staff? Investors? All acquired through growth. So maybe the question should be, “Why aren’t you as big as Coke?” What would be your answer? Without a lot of drama and fanfare, the answer is simply marketing. Coke made (and still makes) Marketing a Priority. (Here’s their 2013 annual report just to verify.) And you can look at the annual reports of Pepsi, Doritos, General Motors, IBM, Apple,
More Marketing News →Logo, identity, and branding, are all words that seem to be interchangeable amongst the general public. Generally, it’s just us designers and marketers that to get all worked up about the differences. I can’t count how many cups of coffee were assaulted with a roundtable of fuming designers complaining about the lack of respect “real branding” gets versus the $99.00 logo mills that continually “steal” work form us. A recent inquiry from a friend made me think about logo design and branding from a different perspective. Maybe all he needed WAS a logo. “Hey Drew, I need a logo for
More Marketing News →Unfortunately, this is Social Media Marketing for many: Look deeply into my eyes… you are feeling veeeery sleepy… sleeeeepy… deeeeper… deeeeeeeeper… relax and let the social media mystique take you to a happier place. Deeeeper… Dee… Yeah, sometimes I feel like social media has cast some kind of spell over businesses, specifically throughout the marketing departments of some companies. It’s easy to be seduced. It’s easy to be swayed by viral videos, tweets, and blogs with thousands of readers. It’s easy to think that social media can be the magic pill to fix marketing mishaps. But in our passionate pursuit
More Marketing News →Okay, this set of five questions starts with one MAJOR Web marketing discovery question: “How successful is your Web site at accomplishing your marketing goals?” If you don’t know the answer, you need to stop reading now and set proper goals goals. Only through goal-setting and tracking will you know if you have an effective strategy in place. Once you have that established, work through the following five simple questions to gauge the effectiveness of your Web marketing efforts. When your visitors see your site (and your business) as value-added then doing business with you is an opportunity, not a
More Marketing News →I had the honor of heading down to southern Iowa last night to talk to the Entrepreneurship students at South West Iowa Community College (SWiCC). My charge was easy enough; explain the steps I’d taken through entrepreneurship and how branding affected my decisions and the development of my business. But then I thought a bright-eyed group of burgeoning entrepreneurs deserved more than my typical “TRUE Branding 101” spiel. This presentation required a little “from the heart?” A little “I’ve been in your shoes?” Maybe this needed to be a little more personal. Of course, branding for entrepreneurs is paramount. “Without
More Marketing News →Brand communications strategies vary from company to company. But one constant is the need for a clear voice and a suitable score. How do you keep your brand voice in tune? After almost a decade of listening to the “solo brand voice,” we’re seeing a resurgence in the corporate “brand choir.” With that comes the need for better understanding, better storytelling and better management of corporate brands from the top down. Whether B2B or B2C, diversified corporations with multiple possible brand story-lines have a challenge ahead of them. And the need for consistency and a brand-centric communications plan is paramount
More Marketing News →Vine Marketing – #6SecondMarketing by The Brand Chef. Vine-002 – Basic Web Marketing To play the video with sound, hover over the upper left corner and turn it on. 😉 If you have to be reminded to have a PHONE NUMBER on the front page of your website, you might need something more than just marketing help. We just earned a client because of that reason (as well as being generally awesome). The client actually said, “We had 4 marketing companies we wanted to call this week and yours was the only one with the phone number readily available on
More Marketing News →Vine Marketing – #6SecondMarketing by The Brand Chef. Vine-001 To play the video with sound, hover over the upper left corner and turn it on. 😉 https://vine.co/v/Mwh77JaJJ93/ Comment below to discuss your #Marketing and #Branding questions. I’ll be picking topics from the comments and other discussions throughout the weeks to share here! And what ever you do… Keep Cookin’ The Brand Chef #Vine #Marketing
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