Boy, did I miss the days of frequent public speaking. At one time, I had as many as 2 speaking engagements booked for each month of the year (2005, 2006, 2007). While I was starting up SPOKE Communications (previously CreateWOWMarketing), it was a great way to hone my marketing and branding processes through “Live Engagement and Research” and build a resource for client development for the business. Of course, it’s a true testament of the love I have for what we do at SPOKE when I get to stand in front of a group to share marketing communication tips, tricks
More Marketing News →Logo, identity, and branding, are all words that seem to be interchangeable amongst the general public. Generally, it’s just us designers and marketers that to get all worked up about the differences. I can’t count how many cups of coffee were assaulted with a roundtable of fuming designers complaining about the lack of respect “real branding” gets versus the $99.00 logo mills that continually “steal” work form us. A recent inquiry from a friend made me think about logo design and branding from a different perspective. Maybe all he needed WAS a logo. “Hey Drew, I need a logo for
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