Many marketing companies specialize in services. We get it. Video marketing companies steer their clients to channels like YouTube and Vimeo where views and shares can be measured and tracked. Digital or social media marketing companies focus on creating content that garners search engine love as well as likes and shares through similar channels like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, email programs, and more. But why do the two have to be siloed? Technology is no longer a barrier to good marketing and storytelling. Mobile devices now have photo and video capabilities that rival many prosumer model cameras. With a little forethought
More Marketing News →Blogs, microblogs, social networks like Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, LinkedIn are popping up daily. Their availability to the masses is exciting and fun, even educational and inspirational. Never before has it been easier to share knowledge, express creativity, build personal and business brands, and connect with others in your industry and around the globe. Because these social media channels are still fairly new to most, guidance and best practices are often shorted – to the detriment to the users as well as those within their network. So as a “Public Service” of sorts, I’ve put together a quick, 10.5
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