Are there SEO tips for better search rank that actually work?
For a lot of marketers, search engine optimization (SEO) is a mystery. From small businesses looking to make a bigger impact through SEO to mega-corporations doing their best to dominate search position, just HOW to achieve better search rank in Google, Bing and other search engines is often a challenge.
SPOKE Communications works with clients to achieve the best success possible through content marketing strategies and organic search engine optimization. We’ve seen some tremendous successes as well as experienced the challenges mentioned above, but through some tried-and-true SEO practices, we were recently able to take a client promotional article from zero to the front page of Google and Bing within a single day. (Click here:[download id=”3702″] to view a PDF of search results from this campaign.)
In this “not-so short” video, we discuss some of the techniques used in this campaign to achieve such incredible success.
RAGBRAI SEO Case Study 072616 from Spoke Communications, LLC on Vimeo.
Of course, not all campaigns are alike. This specific SEO program was focused on a single, highly specialized event. The page content was written strategically with that in mind. From where we placed our keywords and keyword phrases to image alt tags and links, the entire article was structured to rank well.
SPOKE communications builds campaigns focused on getting our clients found. SEO is just part of the solution. If you’d like SEO tips for better search engine and content marketing, please reach out to us through our contact page, or email us at: “biz{at}SPOKEcom{dot}com” or call us at: 515-257-6584.