Logo, identity, and branding, are all words that seem to be interchangeable amongst the general public. Generally, it’s just us designers and marketers that to get all worked up about the differences. I can’t count how many cups of coffee were assaulted with a roundtable of fuming designers complaining about the lack of respect “real branding” gets versus the $99.00 logo mills that continually “steal” work form us. A recent inquiry from a friend made me think about logo design and branding from a different perspective. Maybe all he needed WAS a logo. “Hey Drew, I need a logo for
More Marketing News →I don’t mean to fire another shot at the marketing community in the U.K., but… What the heck are the marketers for the London 2012 Olympics committee smoking? VIDEO: (we’re sorry. the video could not be re-posted here. If you would like to watch the TELEGRAPH.UK news coverage of the mascots, please go to The Brand Chef Blog to watch.) Sorry about the auto play… (Notice the kids giving the Nazi salute to them? WTH?) To have such a prestigious organization adorn your city would be an honor to last a lifetime. But it seems like the folks marketing for
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