Ah, yes. The daunting craft of consistent content creation. A promotional video for YouTube. A post for the web site. A photo or graphic or video snippet on Instagram. A handful of tweets. And don’t forget to share them to SnapChat, LinkedIn and Facebook. Post an explainer vid on TikTok. And on and on. It’s exhausting! Or is it? In the decade-plus I’ve been developing content strategies for businesses and organizations, staying ahead of the content creation cycle and maintaining consistency always comes down to one simple thing: capitalizing on good content. So I’m going to give you a little
More Marketing News →Would you expect to walk into an interview without prepared questions? What about teaching a class – wouldn’t you expect the instructor to have a lesson plan? Then why do so many companies embark on content marketing without a strategy? We see it all the time. “We have a newsletter. We send it out every quarter.” Nothing more… No targeted information… No actionable items… No measurement… No strategy? And generally, that’s the extent of it. How do people do business like that?!? Your content marketing HAS to come with a strategy. If there isn’t thought behind the effort what is
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