Most of us realize by now that a big number of followers doesn’t immediately equal ENGAGED, RELEVANT or INFLUENTIAL followers, but after a recent conversation, I found this bared repeating. “A big number of followers doesn’t immediately equal ENGAGED, RELEVANT or INFLUENTIAL followers…” We had a client mention wanting to have many more Twitter followers and Facebook fans then they do presently. When pressed as to why, there wasn’t a clear answer. Social media can’t be thought of as a way to create “instant sales” but, instead, as a communication tool to truly build your brand. Companies and businesses never
More Marketing News →CreateWOWmarketing travels through rural Iowa asking the simple question, “Is your brand too big to smile?” Finding that small town courtesy and respect seems to reflect in a size of company brand as well, Andrew B. Clark (The Brand Chef) questions why and how your brand could benefit from just a simple smile. 🙂
More Marketing News →People want to do their own marketing, advertising and PR to save money. Unfortunately (or fortunately – however you want to look at it), What they quickly realize is that time IS money and lots of time is going to be spent trying to…
More Marketing News →Some days I sit back in my chair and wonder, “Why the heck isn’t anyone posting?” It’s not for a lack of information. It’s not for a lack of inspiration. It just falls on that blank page! It’s too intimidating. It’s too… blank; so your mind goes blank. In attempts to alleviate that, I’ve coached my clients to keep a journal, either digitally in EverNote, or the “Old fashioned way” in a notebook, of ideas, snippets, quips or even a doodle that would later inspire a blog post (and I’ve changed “blog post” to “article” for most clients – that’s
More Marketing News →Growth is a positive thing. I mean growth that produces great things: Business opportunities Professional credibility Community ties Industry stability Economical security ALL good things, right? YES! So why not join the CreateWOW team and grow with us (me)? If you have a desire to join a nimble, progressive marketing and communications company with a drive to change how companies use media, then I want to hear from you. CreateWOWmarketing, LLC has brought on a handful of new clients that will require talent and support from: Public Relations Professionals Media Buyers and Managers Account and Marketing Managers Creatives and Multi-Channel
More Marketing News →I just finished Daniel Pink’s “A Whole New Mind” after about 2 months of trying to “get my read on” (it takes discipline… go figure). With the holidays and starting my own business (CreateWOW), I was having troubles committing the time I needed to sit down and focus on reading and figuratively feed the monster that Michael Wagner awoke 7 years ago with “Orbiting The Giant Hairball.” ANYWAY… Pink’s book inspired me. Not simply because he says right brainers (the more empathetic, creative and “Big Picture”- type people) are destined to run the show; it proved to me the track
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