Are You a Linchpin Or A Cog?

I just started at CreateWOWMarketing on the 10th and I want to be indispensable! It is easy for most of us to be a small cog in the great machine of the company. You just do the minimum and reap the rewards of your biweekly paycheck. There are some people who want more and realize that the work atmosphere has changed recently, and has become far more competitive. I want to be the one that keeps the machine running, so that without me everything will fall apart. Often when you are an outstanding worker you will discover that even more

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Hands In The Air

This is about as political as I get. Considering the events that have unfolded this week (the “untimely” demise of Osama BinLaden), I found it appropriate to speak up. Whatever side of the isle you sit on or whatever God you pray to, take heed. Look beyond yourself – just for 60 seconds. THEN, go back to what you were doing, knowing that there IS more. May 2, 2011: I watched a riveting documentary on Dr. Martin Luther King last night and felt compelled to talk about committing to something. More importantly, the relentless pursuit of committing to something greater

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There’s Smart, Then There’s “Wicked Smaht”

The internet has given access to information that just 10 years ago was incredibly hard to find. In a simple Google search, you could find the gross national product of Norway or simply strive to understand what a “Gross National Product” is in the first place. (yes, I had to look it up to just make sure I remembered Econ-101.) 🙂 There, see? I just opened this post with a “Smart” move to the internet to make sure I wasn’t just referencing subject matter that made me sound astute. That’s the conundrum of endlessly accessible content. Some (most, I assume)

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