VIDEO: What Are You Willing To Give Away?

What is it that you’re willing to GIVE AWAY to help build your brand? Branding isn’t necessarily about you, nor is it even about making money (although that helps). Sometimes building a brand less about what you get and more about what you give. Giving part of your brand is a piece of the marketing puzzle that Michael Hyatt talks about in his book, “Platform” and he illustrates this technique wonderfully at his blog,  Here is a prime example: “7 Reasons To Buy My New Book” From my perspective, if you receive permission from your target audience to GIVE

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Tis The Season For Cause Marketing

At CreateWOWmarketing, it’s no secret that cause marketing is close to our hearts and always something we’re looking out for – for ourselves and for our clients.  It’s a fantastic way to give back to a specific movement, cause, foundation or charity while raising the awareness of your brand.  CreateWOW has a done a lot of marketing for non-profits and foundations since its inception, and it never seems to get any less rewarding. With that, our friends over at Boesen the Florist have decided to show us exactly how it’s done! As one of the biggest privately owned florists in

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