Are you in a business where it’s next to impossible to keep everyone on the same page? Maybe you need to invest in enterprise social networking. It allows for a private online environment where you can share, discuss and keep everyone up to date on projects. Honey, a new enterprise social network is free for business of 10 people or less. If you have more than 10 employees, check out their reasonable pricing options. Honey is different from some of the other social enterprise networks because you can choose how you want information to come to you. If you want
More Marketing News →Color me inspired. His name is Matt Morgan. Unassuming, but as deep and spiritual as any man I’ve ever met. Matt and I met at the monthly #CIB (Central Iowa Bloggers) event a while back. This is a great event where every first Friday of the month, bloggers, social media newbies and seasoned stud-bolts alike gather in conversation and coffee to share ideas and foster strength in our passion for blogging and social media. It’s a joyful and exciting morning (about 6 hours worth for some) and you’re guaranteed to see a handful of new faces along with the #SMCDSM
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