Going Stock: Connecting with Budget-Friendly Content and Images

using stock photography for beget-friendly marketing

Being a photographer, I have a love-hate relationship with stock photography. Generally, if I CAN shoot it, I’d rather do it myself. But looking through some past SPOKE projects, I ran across one where we found the perfect stock set for the campaign we were developing.

Check out this quick case study on using budget-friendly stock content and images to connect for your marketing clients…

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Time Has Shrunk. Has Attention to Quality as Well?

quality print design spoke communications

We made a couple text edits and sent the client a new proof of the mailer. Through the beauty of technology, we watched as they opened the email, clicked on the proof, glanced over the last round of edit requests, and snap – off to press! But something was bothering me. It was negligible, almost like a shadow that I could see out of the corner of my eye but never quite catch. Deadlines. Because of deadlines, I sent the approved art off to press anyway. That was Friday. Today, only a few days later, we’re re-ordering the print run.

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