If you didn’t realize it, AGRICULTURE is big business – not just the growing of plants and livestock production aspects, which luckily has seen an uptick even in the struggling financial economy as of late. We’re talking the business of being involved in the “Ag” world.
Andrew B. Clark, The Brand Chef, presenting at the March "Put A Face On Your Farm" Seminar for PFI members
Agritourism, Ag education, Ag sciences and others have all seen a huge surge of interest and involvement in the past decade. No longer do we drive through the green fields of Iowa, Nebraska and other Midwest states and just see corn, beans, pigs, cows, more corn, more beans, more pigs… well, you get our point. You see business – farm tours, farmers markets, roadside stands, even fields held for special events like reunions, weddings, class “field trips,” and games.
Over the last year, CreateWOWmarkeing has been blessed with many new clients from the agriculture industry. From the interest and the drive we’ve seen from these customers, marketing and the use of TRUE strategic branding has had the heat turned up and is ready to boil over!
Farmers and growers are looking for a better way to create a sustainable economic culture!
And CreateWOW is ready to help them find the way.
In this short news clip from CRI News in Oskaloosa, Iowa you can see the impact that marketing and branding is having in the Ag industry.Thanks to Practical Farmers of Iowa for the opportunity to work through our TRUE Branding seminar and “Putting a Face on Your Farm.”
For more on our Branding seminar or to sign up for today’s (July 12, 2011) “Putting A Face On Your Farm” webinar, please check out the Practical Farmers of Iowa website.
Keep Cooking (and remember, “Eating is an agricultural act.” credit: Wendell Berry)
Andrew B. Clark
The Brand Chef