5 Tips On Writing Blog Posts To Increase Traffic

I’m often asked by clients and peers, “How do I (we) increase my site traffic? How do I (we) get more people to read the blog?” Well, it’s a matter of targeted marketing, brand consistency and good writing.  All of which even the BEST writers, marketers and bloggers struggle with on EVERY post.  But once a successful post formula is found, it’s like crack. You want, no, NEED to do it over and over again until your eyeballs rollback in your head and you fall to the ground in crippling ecstasy… Okay, maybe not that far, but it’s close. 🙂

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The 8 D’s Of Successful Marketing

If I include my college internship, this September {was} my 21st year working in, on and around marketing. I’ve seen some successful campaigns. I’ve seen some pitiful campaigns. Fortunately, I’ve learned something from them all, but the most important thing I’ve learned is how to tell them apart. (Trust me, some can’t…) So what IS the difference between a successful and a pitiful marketing campaign? STRATEGY. All Marketing Strategy Is Not The Same If you walk through any marketing department or advertising agency, without a doubt, you’ll see computers, printers, scanners, cameras and all of the nifty tools that go

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What’s In A Social Media Name?

One must be mindful of company name when joining social media outlets. Facebook and Twitter have millions of users so one assumes this tool would be on the forefront of any business person’s mind before making a huge name announcement. Alas, last week Netflix CEO Reed Hastings announced that Netflix has transformed its DVD via mail side of the business into Qwikster. This change makes sense with streaming video gaining popularity while one-day Qwikster may go the way of cassette tapes. Although, that is neither here nor there. The real issue at hand is that the people at Netflix neglected

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Common Sense Web Video Solutions

While doing a little marketing business in South Carolina, I had the opportunity to compare three variations on web video solutions. We shot this video using a Sony AVCHD camera, an iPad as well as a DroidX. You can see the differences in quality, but when it comes to web video, getting the message out is more important. These are just some common sense web video solutions that YOU can try out. Take a look and see how easy it is to create WOW in your own web video!

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VIDEO: “Are You Too Big To SMILE?”

CreateWOWmarketing travels through rural Iowa asking the simple question, “Is your brand too big to smile?” Finding that small town courtesy and respect seems to reflect in a size of company brand as well, Andrew B. Clark (The Brand Chef) questions why and how your brand could benefit from just a simple smile. 🙂

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There IS No FREE Lunch!

The marketing communications business is often misunderstood in terms of value, benefit, and, unfortunately, getting paid. As a creative services firm, prospects often ask communications professionals (us) to do work for free – also known as “speculative creative” or “pitching” in order for the client to determine whether or not they will hire us. It’s the old “try the milk before you buy the cow” scenario and it happens in the marketing communications profession on a daily basis. While some marketing professionals succumb to this dog and pony show in the hopes of getting paid if their results are satisfactory

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Finding The Face Of Ag Marketing

If you didn’t realize it, AGRICULTURE is big business – not just the growing of plants and livestock production aspects, which luckily has seen an uptick even in the struggling financial economy as of late.  We’re talking the business of being involved in the “Ag” world. Agritourism, Ag education, Ag sciences and others have all seen a huge surge of interest and involvement in the past decade. No longer do we drive through the green fields of Iowa, Nebraska and other Midwest states and just see corn, beans, pigs, cows, more corn, more beans, more pigs…  well, you get our

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Hands In The Air

This is about as political as I get. Considering the events that have unfolded this week (the “untimely” demise of Osama BinLaden), I found it appropriate to speak up. Whatever side of the isle you sit on or whatever God you pray to, take heed. Look beyond yourself – just for 60 seconds. THEN, go back to what you were doing, knowing that there IS more. May 2, 2011: I watched a riveting documentary on Dr. Martin Luther King last night and felt compelled to talk about committing to something. More importantly, the relentless pursuit of committing to something greater

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Hear That Ringing? It’s Your Social Media Phone…

On Wednesday of last week, I gave Mediacom a call on the Social Media Phone. HOW? By doing this, I posted on Twitter: “Hey Mediacom, my web connection is on the fritz, can you guys please give me a call?” Why did I post it to Twitter instead of just picking up my “real” phone? Well, a couple reasons: I HATE being on hold.  And anyone that’s EVER called Mediacom knows that’s their favorite game. And I know from past engagements that Mediacom is listening and answers the “Social Media Phone” Is Social Media becoming a new channel for customer

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